Happy New Year and Happy Customer

I would like to wish every a healthy, happy and eventful 2025.

I received am email from a customner recently and would like to share this with you.

‘Hi Jann

Just wanted to let you know how much I am loving the two mugs.  The forms are full of life and feel great in the hand.  I particularly like the texture on the bases from where they were wired off the wheel (I assume) and enjoy feeling the warmth of the coffee as I run my fingers over the ridges.  Really beautiful.



I love to hear from my customers so if you have any comments about the works you have purchased please share them with me.

Thank You

A sincere thank you to all those who braved the heat wave to come along to my Annual Open Studio & Sale.

In spite of the heat there were generous conversations about the making and using of handmade objects.

Unfortunately here in Australia we are young when it comes to the appreciation of using handmade objects in our everyday life. They can bring such joy when you think of using a piece of art to eat, drink or even serve from.

Your support is immeasurable speaking from a maker’s perspective.

Thank you so much and enjoy your new treasures.

Happy sincere passionate collectors of handmade woodfired ceramics

The Shilaroo Project

Come and join me in Himachal Pradesh at The Shilaroo Project where we will be packing and firing a wood kiln. The beautiful Himalayan Ranges are our backdrop.

This workshop provides a unique opportunity to amateurs to advanced potters, looking to explore and learn the ancient practice of wood-firing ceramics in a cross draft train kiln under the guidance of Jann Kesby.

The workshop runs from 23-30 June 2024. There is a limited number of places available so please get in quick to avoid disappointment.

Train kiln

Train kiln Shilaroo

Woodfiring workshop with Jann Kesby

Landscape Platter with freshly picked apples

Five Ways

I will be taking part in an exhibition ‘Five Ways’ to be held at The Stables, Meat Market, 2 Wreckyn Street, North Melbourne from 27 October - 5 November. This exhibition will be showcasing works by five wood firing potters and their approach to clay.

The works will be available to view and purchase online and after the exhibition will be showing at Neo Ceramics 247 Abbotsford St, North Melbourne VIC 3051 www.neoceramics.com.au


This year celebrates 70 years of craftsmanship at Sturt Craft Centre which is going to be marked with ongoing celebrations.

Sturt was the first production pottery established in Australia in 1953 by the late Ivan McMeekin.

I was a trainee at Sturt Craft Workshop 1982-1983.

I am honoured to be included in Terra Nova Exhibition and extend a warm welcome to you all. 

If you are in the Southern Highlands during the period 28 May to 16 July please take the time to visit Sturt Gallery to view this special exhibition. 

India 2023

I have recently returned from a trip to Pondicherry on the east coast of India. During my time there I attended Golden Bridge Pottery where I made and fired works the Chinnagama in the company of John Dix, Nick Schwartz, Aarti Manik and ex students of Golden Bridge.

The clays used were a white porcelaneous and dark body using local materials.

Pots were pack in the kiln raw. The firing went for 7 days roughly 150 hours and the timbers used were a mixture of casuarina and tamarind.

The kiln was cooled for 4 days before unpacking.

Results were incredible with plenty of liquid green ash built up on the surface of pots depending on how pots were placed in the kiln.

Golden Bridge Pottery

Packing Chinnagama



Last Firing 2022

I have just completed my last wood firing for 2022.

I fired my catenary arch kiln for 34 hours using mainly hardwoods. The majority of the works were glazed using ash and feldspathic glazes.

Clay bodies were varied using native clays which were fired on their own or blended with a clay body that I make myself or a commercial body. There were some beautiful results culminating in a variety of surfaces. I really enjoy using native clays not for what they are but how they respond and what they do when exposed to the naked flame.

Anagama Firing 2022

I have recently completed my anagama firing for the year. It was a special event in that I sort the assistance of two up and coming wood firers who I met earlier in the year at the Sturt woodfiring event under the guidance of Kazuya Ishida

I would like to think that I could achieve another firing in ‘Minkie’ this year however there is an enormous amount of work that goes into each firing.

So I am going to have to settle on firing my catenary arch kiln in preparation for my Open Studio 3rd & 4th December 2022 from 10am-4pm both days.


I am delighted and honoured to have been presented with the inaugural Pãn Award 2022 “Potter of the Year’.

to quote Bridget and Angus McDiarmid…

‘The Pãn Award was conceived on the wheel making pots, thinking about the lack of celebration and recognition for the great potters of Australia and young potters dedicating their life to the craft!

Realising action was needed I spoke to my wife Bridge and the boys and we decided to start an annual award for potters who are making great pots and who have dedicated their life to the craft!

This annual award is based entirely on the energy and beauty of the pot and potter and the joyful union of craft and function when you use one of their vessels!